Tuesday, February 17

Today's Update II

I've not yet learned how to manipulate the intricacies of this blog very well so Part I of Today's Update was posted without finishing it and without checking for misspellings or grammatical errors. Sorry!!!! To get back to Dad. Hopefully they will be able to start the electrical stimulation tomorrow. Since Dad is not able to swallow they placed a small tube in his stomach for feeding. He is fed a liquid "food" four times a day. They are having a great deal of trouble stabilizing his blood sugar levels.  They made some changes to his "food" and his insulin and today his numbers were a little better. Hopefully they are on the right track. Dad hit his arm and "roughed it up" pretty badly when he fell following the stroke. Tomorrow he sees a plastic surgeon to provide assistance with how best to help this area heal. The doctors completed a chest xray today as Dad's white blood count is higher than it should be. They are fairly sure he doesn't have pneumonia but we won't know the full results until tomorrow. As yesterday, Mom left Dad exhausted from his hard day at Rehab. He was sleeping so soundly he was difficult to wake. We are seeing tremendous progress every day. Hopefully this progress will continue and we will have Dad home soon. Mark and Matt are going to visit tomorrow evening to watch Virginia play Tech. Go Hoos!!!!!! and GO DAD!!!!!!

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