Tuesday, April 21

What is... just a quick update on Chuck.

I just wanted to update everyone and let them know what is going on with Dad. He is continuing to rehab at the outpatient clinic of Sheltering Arms in the Bonaire section of Richmond and so far seems to be doing pretty well. He is completely done with that awful feeding tube and is totally on solid foods. His appetite could be better but he hasn't lost his taste for peanut butter, ice cream, or that pleasant looking concoction he refers to as Irish oatmeal. Karen has made it for him a couple of time and although she says she followed the directions, I think she made enough to feed most of Ireland.

His day right now consists of getting up around 0530, getting dressed, eating, morning meds, and preparing for his van which comes to pick him up around 0700. We've started to get into a pretty good routine, and barring any unusual happenings, he is ready to roll in an hour. He really liked his driver the first morning (Mr. Washington) who's nephew just happened to be Fontell Mines who was a UVA grad and now plays for the Redskins. He didn't like his afternoon driver too well though so I've tried to get him off the list. In the evenings after dinner, we watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy (*In case you didn't make the connection to the title of the post). Amazingly dad is still able to beat me (well that's not so amazing) but he's also beating many of the contestants to the correct answers, which to me is pretty awesome. After that a little ice cream or something and off to bed. He is sleeping pretty well, most mornings he is awake when I go into his room, but today he was still snoozing. He seems to be getting a little more comfortable with things. The biggest problem so far is that he wont let anyone else do much for him but me so that's causing a few glitches, but were working through them.
I know Mark posted my address the other day but my home phone is (804) 746-1178. If anyone would like to call him please feel free. The best times are probably between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. or on the weekends. If anyone is in the area and wants to visit on a weekend I know Dad would love it. Just let me know your coming so we can straighten up (as required by my wife) and also if your from out of the area there's a Holiday Inn close by that works with me when there are rooms available.
Thank everyone who has written, called, or come to see Dad. The letters and visits have meant a lot to him. When he is in a positive mood it definitely helps motivate him with his therapy. I know he intends to thank everyone personally at a later date, but until then I would like to thank you all. I'll continue posting his progress every few days or if there is something new and exciting to tell. Dad has gone through a lot in the last two months and come a long way back in his recovery, but there are still hurdles to cross so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as I know that means as much to him as anything.

Monday, April 20

New Milestone

Dad had his peg (feeding) tube taken out today. Everything went well. According to Dad, he had very little pain and the procedure went smoothly. Dad took the day off from rehab today to go to the appointment but will be back at rehab tomorrow. I guess this means eating REAL food is here to stay. Way to go Dad!!!!!! :)