Monday, May 18

5/18/09 -- What's Next?

The last couple of weeks have been reasonably quiet and routine for Dad. (And after all the drama of February and March, there is something to be said for routine and quiet . . . .)

The most significant recent event occurred last Friday, when Dad finished the 30-day outpatient rehab program he had been attending. He made a lot of progress in that program, and really liked the staff. He is now in the process of making the rounds of various doctors for various medical follow-ups.

The big question now facing us is "What's next?" At least for the time being, Dad continues to stay with Matt and his family outside Richmond, and will shortly begin attending physical therapy a couple days a week. (Matt has been doing a truly amazing job as Dad's primary home caregiver; we are all indebted to him for his selfless and tireless efforts.) In the meantime, we are researching and gathering information to identify the options for Dad's next steps.