Wednesday, February 18

Wednesday Update

The nurse reports Dad is doing well except he is still having trouble controlling his blood sugar. It was higher this morning than yesterday! Dad's chest x-ray was negative for pneumonia and his white count is down to the high normal range today. When I called at noon his nurse, Amy, told me they were getting ready to let him lie down for a while. They normally don't allow him to lie down until all of his therapy is done for the day but Dad was adamant that he needed his rest because he was going to watch the game tonight with his sons.

Mom is taking a well deserved day of rest. She has been a real trooper through everything--holding up for Dad and for us. They have set a tentative discharge date of March 10, 2009 and their goal is for him to need only verbal reminders and assistance in all areas of daily living. We all hope and pray he is able to reach this goal.

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