Tuesday, February 17

Today's Update

Today is Dad's second "full day" in Rehab. Yesterday Dad had physical therapy. They found he did better walking with a walker than getting around in a wheelchair. Today was even better. Dad walked, without a walker, from physical therapy, up and down the hall, exercised on an exercise bicycle and then walked back to his room. The occupational therapist works with him every morning on basic tasks such as bathing and dressing. Due to the left sided neglect and weakness it appears these are going to be much harder to master. Dad completed a swallow test yesterday with the speech therapist and it was found he was still not swallowing at all. They were going to start electrical stimulation on his throat today to assist in redeveloping his ability to swallow. They had to wait until tomorrow though because he had to have his face newly shaved in order to place the electrodes.

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