Sunday, March 1

It's a New Month and a New Start

Every day Dad is improving. Yesterday Dad began to have some kidney function. They decided to leave him on the ventilator one more day. This would allow them to give him more fluids and give his kidneys a greater chance of coming back "full force." When we went in to see Dad on Saturday morning he looked at peace, even with the ventilator. There was quiet music playing in the background and a normal color was returning to his face. His nurse said he was a "darling." (Which we all knew already) She indicated it was often difficult for patients not to "pick" at their ventilation tube but Dad was being a "perfect gentleman." His white blood cell count had gone from a high of 39,000 to 24,000 and his creatnine level was going down.

Today, when we arrived, they were in the middle of a test to see whether he could be taken off the ventilator. We had been there about 10 minutes when they drew blood gases to check the oxygen level in Dad's blood while he was breathing on his own. While we were waiting for the results, Dad wrote me a note...WATER! I have become the water and ice person to my Dad. Dad passed the test and we were asked to leave while they took out the breathing tube. When we came back in, Dad had told the respiratory therapist and the nurse he loved them. His next words weren't so nice, "I want some damn ice." Who could blame him. On that note I let my brothers in to see him and made a quick exit still hearing him call for ice. Dad is definitely starting to feel better.


  1. I've been following this blog daily and recently almost hourly looking for updates. Thanks so much for keeping it. Please send my love to Uncle Chuck. Good luck to all of you.

  2. Dear Chuck and Family,

    It's Monday morning, March 2, and I just found this site with the updates about Chuck's progress. Bea Clark had passed along the information that the blog was available. I was distressed to hear about all Chuck's difficulty especially since I had visited Chuck at the rehab center right before the situation began to deteriorate, and he had made such improvement since his original admission.

    Please know that I have been faithfully praying for Chuck and that the folks at Windy Cove have him on their hearts and minds as well. I know how much prayer means to Chuck and how effective it can be. In fact, during my last visit he told me how encouraged he had been when his priest had anointed him with oil and prayed for him.

    Chuck has been a wonderful friend to me. You can be sure that my prayers will continue. If there is anything else that we can do to help here at the Millboro end, please let me know.

    With my prayers,
    Rob Sherrard

  3. I've been following this blog each day since Charles first told me about it. I'm so grateful you are keeping it. It answers our questions. Please give my love to Chuck and all of his family.

    Bette Hileman
