Tuesday, March 31

3/31/09 -- Sausage and Eggs for Breakfast

Dad had sausage and eggs for breakfast today.   It is hard to overstate the significance of this seemingly little thing; it is a true milestone in his recovery.   He is now receiving about half of his nourishment the good old fashioned way -- he's eating it.  This is exceptionally good news, and we are all thrilled.

While I have not gotten a detailed report on the results of the meeting of Dad's therapy team, I understand that in general his rehab is progressing well on pretty much all fronts.  While Dad still has a good way to go, we will hopefully continue to see this kind of progress.   So, everyone, as Matt and Anne encouraged in their posts last night, knock wood, keep your fingers crossed, rub the rabbits foot and if you happen to find the random four-leaf clover, well, you may want to enclose it in your next "get well" card. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mark, Anne and Matt, for all your posts. I continue to read them regularly. We'll be coming north soon, possibly next week. Send my love to your mother and father!

    -- Cousin Charles.
