Tuesday, March 17

3/17/09 -- Live from New York

I've been in Boston (family) and New York (business) for the last ten days, so I haven't had a chance to see Dad since he was discharged from the hospital and transferred to Sheltering Arms.  This short update is therefore based mostly on reports I received today from Matt, who has seen Dad at least twice a day since he was moved.  (Thanks, Matt.)

Dad had a fairly good day of rehab today.  He appeared to be starting to regain some of the strength he lost during his recovery from surgery.  Additionally, and importantly, he appeared to be somewhat more focused, and less easily distracted.  The staff has come up with a plan that may help his sharpen attention and focus through medication.   Everyone keep your fingers crossed on that one.

As I've noted on several occasions in this blog, rehab is truly a roller-coaster ride.  While we all wish that Dad's recovery would consist of a series of steady, predictable, daily improvements, that's not the way these things seem to work.  All the more reason, then, to appreciate the good days, like today.

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