Friday, February 27

2/20/09 to 2/27/09 -- One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

As noted in my post of last Friday, February 20, and Anne's post of Sunday, February 22, just a week ago Dad was alert, telling stories, entertaining the nurses and therapists with his jokes, and reveling in U.Va.'s recent defeat of Va. Tech on the basketball court. His rehabilitation appeared to be moving forward well, and the HealthSouth staff had even talked about a potential return home as early as the middle of March.

Today, only a week later, Dad is, as one of his doctors told Anne this morning, a very sick man. The infection that hit him last weekend is very serious, and is causing issues with a number of systems in his body. He is back at U.Va. Medical Center, having been admitted through the emergency department on Wednesday, and is being treated for the infection.

We have been told we will likely have a good idea of how things are going to go in the next 24 t0 48 hours. If you believe that there is power in prayer, now would be a good time to bring it to bear.

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